Velocity Micro's history begins in 1992 when Randy Copeland, an entrepreneur, designer, and avid techie, began designing and producing high performance computer systems to run CAD software and other demanding applications for private local clients. These high-performance computer systems were individually custom built on his kitchen table to facilitate the design process and tailored to the needs of each client. As the business grew, Velocity Micro was officially founded in 1997 as an extension of this highly individualized, meticulously crafted, high-performance computing philosophy. The boutique computer industry traces it's roots to this occasion.
The company's first national reviews in 2002 from major industry journals catalyzed the huge growth Velocity Micro experienced in the following years. Since that first review, Velocity Micro has won over 75 major industry awards and has been featured in publications such as the Wall Street Journal, Wired Magazine, CNET, PC Magazine, The New York Post, and CBSNews.com.
Velocity Micro now competes on an international level with a full product line that includes professional workstations, custom gaming PCs, notebooks, servers, and related peripherals. Velocity Micro products have been sold at nearly every major electronics retailer in North America including Best Buy, Circuit City, RadioShack, Costco, Sears, Target, and many others. The success has brought a huge fan base, but also many imitators. Make sure you get a genuine Velocity Micro computer.