Are There Benefits to Playing Video Games?

Is it possible that video games could actually be beneficial to our health? Some researchers say yes. While video gaming certainly gets a bad rap, there are positives along with those negatives.

With more than 150 million people playing games in America alone, PC gaming is something that is only expected to grow – not fade away. Seeing video gaming in a different light might actually help us embrace what it has to offer and set healthy limits for our kids.

Let’s dive into some of the benefits to playing video games.


Improved Cognitive Development

In order to be efficient at video games, the player has to be awake and alert. Research has shown that video games enhance mental rotation abilities, require more accurate attention allocation and demand higher spatial resolution.

Additional research indicates that video gaming produces greater neural processing and efficiency. This is made even more possible thanks to virtual reality that puts the player directly into the game.


Enhanced Motivation

Sure, video games can be great tools to have in your back pocket when it comes to getting your kids to do their homework, but there is a different type of motivation that can be gained from playing online video games.

Many games these days have specific tasks for players to work at, and once they achieve them, they receive some type of award or advancement in the game. As players work at completing these tasks, they gain self confidence and persistence.


Distraction from Real-World Problems

Video games are mostly played for relaxation and enjoyment. Players are also able to distract themselves from other things that may be going on in their life.

If a person is having money problems, it feels good to dive into the Sims 4 and build an amazing house stuffed with big ticket items. Succeeding at video games can also help create positive feelings, reduce anxiety and lead to a happier mood overall.


More Socialization with Others

Video games are no longer self-indulged. They’ve become intensely social thanks to the internet and the various ways that players can communicate with each other. Players can play in groups or with friends. They can build teams and work together to achieve results.

Games like World of Warcraft and Farmville have millions of users that regularly talk and have active forums. When players work together, they reap the benefits of being on a team and feeling like they have a purpose.

Nothing is good in excess, but video games do have their benefits that we should not overlook. As long as it’s done in moderation, you, your significant other or your children can enjoy regular online gaming while also learning a thing or two in the process!

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