Our goal for response to all initial e-mail or new tickets submitted is within 24 hours (excluding weekends and holidays). This response time may vary depending on contact volume.
Once a support ticket has been assigned to a technician they will update the ticket every 24-48 hours to provide you the most current status. If you have not heard from the technician log into the Support Portal to see if they have updated the status within the ticket.
You can check the status of a ticket by logging into the Support Portal and looking at the ticket in question. If you have any additional questions or want to speak to the technician, you can post a comment/update directly to the ticket (click on the button labeled "Provide Additional Info") and an e-mail will be automatically sent to the technician to notify them that you have posted a comment.
If there is no current update in the ticket, and you have made a request to a technician that has not received a reply, please contact us by emailing vmsupport@velocitymicro.com or calling us directly. A technician will assist you.
NOTE: Sometimes, our Tech Support Emails can be misdirected to your email's Spam Folder. Please be sure to double check that it was not misdirected.