Looking to make some extra money? Want to reduce your site's dependence on ad sales? The Velocity Micro Affiliate Program provides a hassle-free way to generate some extra income. Read on for more details.
Already an Affiliate? Log in HereThe program is simple, profitable, and free. You don't ever pay any money. You maintain 100% control over your site's layout and content. You can check your earnings at any time via a web-based control panel. Most importantly, though, your site becomes a portal for users to purchase customized, high-end systems from Velocity Micro, a trusted and respected manufacturer.
I'm Ready, sign me up!Apply to become a Velocity Micro Affiliate. Once confirmed, place an approved banner or button on your site. A visitor to your site clicks the banner and is referred to Velocity Micro's homepage. Your affiliate account accrues 3% of that visitor's purchase. Your unique Affiliate ID ensures that the purchase is credited to you. Then you just sit back and receive your check.
1. Browse the FAQ to answer any questions you might have.
2. Read the Terms and Conditions
3. Apply to become a Velocity Micro Affiliate. You will receive a confirmation of your status in 1-2 business days.
4. Login to your affiliate account at the top of this page and select a button, banner, or text link to place on your website.
5. Contact us with questions at affiliate[at]velocitymicro.com
6. That's it! You decide how much money you make by directing traffic to your site. Make as little or as much money as you want; it's up to you.